3 Ways to Maintain Your Online Presence

Rear view. Young businesswoman is sitting at table, working on laptop with graphs, charts, diagrams, schedules on screen. Online marketing, education, e-learning, e-commerce, business planning.

3 Ways to Maintain Your Online Presence


In this digital age having an online presence has become an essential part of a growing business. But what does having an online presence even mean? In this instance, we will define online presence as the collective existence of a company or individual that can be found online via an online search. Some elements of an online presence can include having a website or social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

Ya-di-ya-da… but why is this important? Well, here at STUDIOWRX, we understand that this online embodiment gives viewers an insight into the quality of services or products offered in the business. Understanding your audience has always been a critical focus for us. There are many aspects to establishing an online presence but today we will focus on search engine optimization (SEO), personalized content marketing, and audience engagement.


1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) vs. Paid Advertisement


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. Some search engines you might be familiar with are companies such as Google or Bing. As we compare SEO and paid advertisements, we want to focus on the “time” aspect of these services. The duration and effectiveness are crucial since you would like the best return on investment as you focus on your audience reach. While paid advertisement can be effective, it only produces results in the time interval in which the advertisement is active. We see paid advertisements as instant results with the least amount of work for a short period of time. Another advantage to paid advertisement is being able to select a specific target audience. This selection can range from interests, age, demographic, and geographic location (just to name a few).

On the other spectrum, with SEO, we are able to develop a cohesive consistency across multiple online platforms with a much more extensive audience reach. This, in turn, increases your online presence to reach audiences who are purposefully searching for your business services or products. SEO also has its own scope of influences. In SEO, we focus more on being the top result when people use search engines. Being able to be a top result in a search increases your competitiveness between other businesses or organizations in the same market industry. Having your online presence maintained with SEO optimizes your audience reach as trends and search engine algorithms change.

Each method (SEO or Paid Advertisement) goes with its advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, what STUDIOWRX can provide is insight and services in both areas so that you can focus on what your company does best.

2. Personalized Content Marketing


With personalized content marketing, it is exactly what it sounds like. Marketing with a personalized touch. This type of marketing focuses on keywords and phrases that is specific to your unique service or product. When this concept is grasped, you can expect to find knowledgeable audiences who know exactly what your business provides and are now researching into the quality of your business. Personalize content marketing also bleeds into SEO in the sense that your business is the most knowledgeable in what you do. This drives traffic into your business by using specific words that cater to professionals in your industry.


3. Audience Engagement


Audience engagement is something that is sometimes overlooked. The reason being is because it is an investment in time that businesses do not typically have because they are focusing on what they do best, which is providing a service and/or product. Engaging with your audience gives a sense of community involvement and support so when you interact, you are giving your business a more personal touch which makes you more approachable. Developing this relationship gives you more credibility as your customers interact with your service/product and also gives you an accountability aspect to be able to improve your quality of services/products.

As there are many ways to maintain your online presence, the only wrong way is to not have one at all! STUDIOWRX is driven to improve your audience reach through various techniques. Extensive research is done to understand your industry and the people you serve.

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